janes walk

Explore the city, share stories about your community and connect with neighbours. Lead or join a walk in Manchester, UK.

Jane’s Walk is an annual festival of free, community-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs.

On the first weekend of May every year, Jane’s Walk festivals take place in hundreds of cities around the world. Jane’s Walks encourage people to share stories about their neighbourhoods, discover unseen aspects of their communities, and use walking as a way to connect with their neighbours.

Jane's Walk Manchester is organised by Skyliner who have led tours which interrogate the streets we walk on for almost a decade. Jane Jacobs is an enduring icon to Skyliner.

Walk listings will appear on this page, but you can also join the Facebook page, or follow us on Twitter. There is also the Jane’s Walk website which covers the initiative and the walks globally.

To get involved, or learn more, contact Hayley at theskyliner.org@gmail.com


Jane’s Walk Manchester Tours

May 2nd